Section 2 – teams

Rule 15. Composition of Team
(a) A team shall have no more than six players on the floor at any one time while play is in progress. These six players shall be designated as follows: Goaltender, Right Defence, Left Defence, Centre, Right Wing and Left Wing.
(b) Each player shall wear an individual number of at least 25.40 cm (10 in.) in height on the back of her sweater. 

Rule 16. Players in Uniform
(a) Each team shall be entitled to a maximum of 22 players in uniform, which includes two goaltenders (some provinces designate 20 players in uniform of which two must be goaltenders), for any game or pre-game warmup, all of whom shall be duly registered in accordance with the Canadian Ball Hockey Association Regulations. The players duly registered as goaltenders shall be eligible to play as goaltenders only. Teams in inter-branch competition must have both goaltenders in uniform and ready to play. A minimum of six eligible players in uniform
(not necessarily a goaltender) on each team shall be necessary to start the game.
(b) Before the start of the game, the Official in charge of each team shall give the Referee or Official Scorer a list of names and numbers of the players and goaltenders to the maximum of 22 who shall be eligible to play in that game. No change in the list or addition to the list shall be permitted after the commencement of the game except:

(1) where a player is late and his name has been included on the Official Game Report prior to the game, he will be permitted to participate;
(2) when a player has been inadvertently omitted from the Official Game Report, the Referee shall permit the name to be added to the Game Report before the game has ended; providing such player was in uniform and on the floor or on his players’ bench at the start of the game.

(c) Any team official who gives a false statement on the Official Game Report with regard to eligible players, shall be dealt with by the President.
(d) Each team shall be allowed one goaltender on the floor at one time. The goaltender may be removed and another “Player” substituted. Such player shall not be permitted the privileges of a goaltender.
(e) No player, other than a goaltender or his replacement shall be permitted to wear the equipment of a goaltender.

Note: Teams are allowed to dress two goaltenders, either of whom may be used at the team’s discretion.
(f) When the substitute goaltender enters the game, he shall take his position without delay and no warm-up shall be permitted.
(g) If both teams are on the floor during the pre-game warmup, players shall be restricted to their own half of the floor. Where a team violates this rule, the Referee shall report the violation to the President who may take appropriate action.
(h) No player under suspension may participate in the pre-game warm-up or occupy the players’ bench. 

Rule 17. Team Roster
Before the start of the game the Official in charge of the Visiting Team must be the first to list her line-ups on the Official Game Report.

Rule 18. Captain of the Team
(a) Each team may appoint a Captain and not more than three Alternate Captains. One of these should be on the floor at all times and only a Captain or Alternate Captain who is on the floor shall have the privilege of asking the Referee for his interpretation of any rule during the progress of the game. Prior to the start of the game, the Manager or Coach of each team shall note on the Official Game Report and advise the Referee or Official Scorer of the names and numbers of the Captain and Alternate Captain(s).
(b) The Captain shall wear the letter “C” and the Alternate Captain(s) the letter “A” in a conspicuous position on the front of their sweaters. The letters should be in a contrasting colour and be approximately 7.62 cm (3 in.) in height. If the letters are not worn, Captain’s and Alternate Captain’s privileges will not be permitted.
(c) When the Captain or Alternate Captain receives a penalty, he shall lose all his privileges for the duration of the penalty and must proceed directly to the penalty box. Such players failing to do so will be assessed a Misconduct penalty.
(d) Goaltenders or a replacement for a goaltender, cannot be selected or named Captain or Alternate Captain.
(e) A playing Coach or Manager shall be entitled to the privileges of a Captain or Alternate Captain.
(f) A Minor penalty for delay of game shall be assessed any Captain, Alternate Captain or other player who leaves his players’ bench to discuss any interpretation of the rules with the Referee. 

Rule 19. Change of Players
(a) When play is in progress, not more than six players (including a goaltender) are permitted on the floor at any one time.
(b) Players may be changed at any time from the players’ bench, provided that the player or players leaving the floor shall be at the players’ bench [within 3.05m (10 ft.)] and out of play before any change is made.
(c) A player on the penalty bench who is to be changed after her penalty has been served must proceed by way of the floor and be at the players’ bench before any change can be made.
(d) A team shall be required to place the correct number of players on the floor when requested by the Referee. The Visiting Team must be the first to place any playing lineup on the floor to commence play at all times. Each team is allowed only one change of player(s) during a stoppage of play.
(e) A Bench Minor penalty shall be assessed for a violation of any section of this rule. The penalty shall be served by a player committing the infraction, as covered under Rule 29 – Bench Minor penalties.
(f) If, in the last two minutes of regular playing time, or any time in overtime, a Bench Minor penalty is imposed for DELIBERATE illegal substitution, a Penalty Shot shall be awarded against the offending team. The Bench Minor shall not be served. See Rule 55 (e) Note – Delay of Game 

Note 1: If in the course of making a substitution, either the player entering the game or the player leaving the game intentionally plays the ball with her stick, feet or hands or intentionally checks or makes any physical contact with an opposing player while the player respectively leaving or entering the game is actually on the floor, then the infraction of “too many players on the floor” shall be called
Note 2: If in the course of substituting, either the player entering the play or the player retiring is struck by the ball accidentally, the play should not be stopped and no penalty shall be called.
Note 3: When a goaltender leaves her goal area, and proceeds to the player’s bench for the purpose of substituting another player, she must be within 3.05 m (10 ft) of the bench before the substitute may enter the game. If the substitute is made prematurely, the official shall stop the play when the offending team gains possession and control of the ball. The resulting face-off shall take place at the centre face-off spot unless this gives a territorial advantage to the offending team. In which case the face off will take place at the closet face-off spot to where the stoppage occurred. There shall be no time penalty for making the premature substitution. 

(g) For player changes during stoppages in play, the Referee shall begin the line change procedure as soon as it is safe to do so for the ensuing face-off and then allow a 5 second period during which the Visiting Team may make a player change. After this 5 second period has elapsed, the Referee will raise an arm to indicate that the Visiting Team may no longer change any player(s). With the arm still up, the Referee will allow a five second period during which the Home Team may make a player change. After this five-second period has elapsed, the Referee will drop the arm to indicate that the Home Team may no longer change any player(s). Where a team attempts to make a player change after their allotted period of time, the Referee shall send the player(s) back to their bench. Any subsequent infraction to this procedure at any time during the course of the game shall incur a Bench Minor penalty under Rule 19 (e). 

Note 1: Notwithstanding this rule, where play is stopped for a high sticking the ball infraction, the offending team will not be permitted to conduct a line change until play resumes. 

(h) During a line change in a stoppage in play, if there is a scrum or gathering the players coming on the floor must remain at their respective benches until the gathering is dispersed and the referee has indicated for the line change to take place. Failure to remain at the team bench may result in a bench minor penalty being assessed.  

Rule 20. Injured Players
(a) When a player, other than a goaltender, is injured or compelled to leave the floor during a game, he must be replaced by a substitute, and play must continue without the teams leaving the floor.
(b) If a goaltender goes to the players’ bench due to an injury, he shall retire from the floor and his place shall be taken by an alternate goaltender and no warm-up will be permitted. However, this will only apply where an alternate goaltender is dressed. A back up goalie must be dressed in all National Championship and Regional Competitions. In cases where an alternate goaltender is not dressed the injured goaltender will be allowed ten minutes to recuperate. If a replacement is necessary for the injured goaltender, an additional five minutes shall be allowed for a total of fifteen minutes. The injured goaltender must remain out of the game until the next stoppage of play. For a violation of this rule, a minor penalty for Delay of Game shall be assessed.
(c) Goaltender replacement shall be subject to the rules governing goaltenders and be allowed the goaltender’s full equipment. In all Minor Divisions, after a player has been designated as a goaltender, he/she may return to a non-goaltender position.
(d) When a goaltender is injured, players may be permitted to leave the floor at the discretion of the Referee, but must be ready to resume play immediately, on request by the Referee.
(e) A penalized player who has to serve a time penalty and who has been injured may proceed to the dressing room, provided he is replaced on the penalty bench by a substitute who was on the floor at the time of the infraction. A penalized player who does not have to serve a time penalty and who has been injured may proceed to the dressing room without having to be replaced by a substitute on the penalty bench. For a violation of this rule, a Bench Minor penalty for “Ineligible Player” shall be assessed.
(f) If an injured penalized player returns to the players’ bench before his penalty has expired, he shall take his place in the penalty bench or replace the player substituting for him on the penalty bench during the first stoppage of play. If he takes part in the play before his penalty has expired, he shall be assessed an additional Minor penalty for “Ineligible Player”.
(g) When a player is injured so that he cannot continue to play or go to his bench, the play shall not be stopped until the injured player’s team has secured possession and control of the ball. If the injured player’s team is in possession of the ball at the time of the injury, the play shall be stopped immediately unless his team is in scoring position, at which time the Referee shall allow the play to be completed.

Note 1: Where there is suspicion that a player has sustained a serious injury, the Referee may stop the play immediately.
Note 2: Where play has been stopped due to an injured player, excluding the goaltender, the injured player shall leave the floor and may not return to the floor until the play has resumed. If the player refuses to leave the floor, a Delay of Game penalty shall be assessed.








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