incident report



Please note that all items of a disciplinary or security nature shall be fully reported to the Ontario Ball Hockey Federation for possible supplementary discipline. Items to be reported include:


All Match penalties

All Gross Misconduct penalties

All Game Misconduct penalties

Any other incident or misconduct that may involve disciplinary action – including Rule 47

Any incident or problem that may affect the proper playing of the game (e.g. crowd control)

The procedure to be followed by the Referee involves both a verbal and a written report. The purpose of a verbal report is to render a decision that may have to be made in a short period of time and the written report may not have been submitted by then.




For all verbal reports, the Referee is required to contact the Referee-in-Chief, arena captain or league convenor by the following day.



Following the verbal report, the Referee shall also complete and submit the form below. By clicking SUBMIT, the form will be sent directly to the OBHF’s Head of Discipline at



If you have never completed an Incident Report, or require additional assistance, please contact the Head of Discipline or the OBHF Provincial RIC at


Please note, these reports need to be accurate and contain all the necessary information in order to apply the appropriate supplementary discipline. Suggestions and items to consider include:

Nature of the game (atmosphere, score, season)

Any preluding situations that culminated in the incident

How the player(s) began the situation

Words that were exchanged

Directions players went

Action that you took




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