

To guide, nurture and foster a safe, fair and competitive ball hockey environment that is inclusive for everyone to enjoy. 


The technical committee will encourage, educate and promote opportunities for its officials and technical staff to reach their maximum potential which will ultimately provide the structure and framework to fuel the growth of the sport of ball hockey to new heights.  Creating an environment within the OBHF that is safe, inclusive, transparent and sportsmanlike will be the underlying theme of everything that is carried out. 


The OBHF Technical Committee is the governing body that has oversight of rules, rules education, officials’ certification, supplemental discipline and player-safety within the sport of ball hockey in the province of Ontario.   This mandate is carried out from grass-roots ball hockey right up to, and including Tier 1.  The Committee will always strive to be a reflection of our membership to ensure that all interests are considered when making impactful decisions.   The technical committee works closely with the CBHA when it comes to formulating and recommending referee development programs, rule changes and policies to all levels of ball hockey in Ontario.  Finally, the committee is committed to continually monitoring, reviewing, and proposing revisions of, and amendments to, the playing rules of the Federation.  This mandate will be carried out with professionalism, integrity and transparency with the goal of continually fueling the growth of this sport in Ontario and beyond.    

Phil Willard – Kitchener: Technical Director

Elected into the role of Technical Director at the 2019 OBHF Annual General Meeting, Phil heads the OHBF Technical Committee after being a clinic instructor for 10 years. His officiating experience has solely been dedicated to the sport of ball hockey, and came to be after competing at several Canadian Men’s National Championships and many Ontario Provincial Championships. With a career as an elementary school teacher in Waterloo Region, Phil’s teaching experience has helped modernize the certification clinic to reflect a current day learning environment for both the new official and the seasoned veteran. 

Instructors – Various Centers

 These individuals will be trained and well versed with current classroom technology that is both educational and engaging for many different learning styles. Clinic content will be directed and comprehensive to the needs of the on-floor official.  

Regional Supervisor – Various Centers

In order to provide our Provincial Championships with the most dedicated, experienced and knowledgeable officials available to our member leagues, the Technical Committee will be assigning Regional Supervisors in geographical areas to ensure we are mentoring and evolving the next generation of Provincial, National and International bound officials. These individuals will be determined and assigned to their respective areas at a later date as Return To Play is our first priority to our membership.  








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(647) 781-1818

Ontario Ball Hockey Federation © 2021