Section 1 – the rink: part 2
Rule 8. End Zone Face-off Spots and Circles
(a) In both end zones and on both sides of each goal, red face-off spots and circles shall be marked on the floor. The face-off spots shall be 60.96 cm (2 ft.) in diameter and the circles shall have a radius of 4.57 m (15 ft.) from the centre of the face-off spots. The lines of the circle
shall be 5.08 cm (2 in.) wide. 5.64 m (18 1/2 ft.) and 6.55 m (21 1/2 ft.) from the goal line and parallel to it, two red lines 60.96 cm (2 ft.) in length and 5.08 cm (2 in.) wide shall be marked on the floor extending from the outer edge of both sides of each face-off circle. The faceoff spots shall be 60.96 cm (2 ft.) in diameter. Within each face-off spot draw two parallel lines 7.62 cm (3 in.) from the top and bottom of the spot. The area within the two lines shall be painted red, the remainder shall be painted white. 30.48 cm (1 ft.) away from the edge of the face-off spot, two lines shall be drawn parallel with the sideboards that shall be 1.22 m (4 ft.) in length and 45.72 cm (18 in.) apart. Parallel to the end boards, commencing at the end of the line nearest to the face-off spot, a line shall extend 86.36 cm ( 2 ft. 10 in.) in length. All lines shall be 5.08 cm (2 in.) in width.
(b) The location of the face-off spot shall be fixed in the following manner: Along a line 6.09 m (20 ft.) from each goal line and parallel to it, mark two points 6.71 m (22 ft.) on both sides of the straight line joining the centres of the two goals. Each such point shall be the centre of the face-off spot and circle.
(c) For rinks under 22.90 m (75 ft.) in width, the face-off circles shall be reduced in circumference so that they do not overlap. A minimum area of 60.96 cm (2 ft.) from the adjacent side boards is to be maintained.
Rule 9. Players’ Bench
(a) Each rink shall have seats or a bench for the use of each team, to be known as the “Players’ Bench”. Each players’ bench shall accommodate at least fourteen players and shall be placed directly alongside the floor in the neutral zone, as near as possible to the centre of the rink and convenient to the dressing rooms. Whenever possible, a walking space of 91.44 cm (3 ft.) should be left open behind the players’ bench (new rinks).
(b) The gates to the players’ bench should be constructed to open away from the floor surface.
(c) Only players in uniform and a maximum of five team officials shall be permitted to occupy the players’ bench. These individuals shall be registered and entered on the Official Game Report. A maximum of five team officials may be recorded on the Official Game Report.
(d) During a game, Coaches, Managers, Trainers and Stick Boys or other authorized team officials shall be restricted to the use of the area the length of their players’ bench, including their team’s gate. The penalty for a violation of this rule is a Bench Minor penalty.
(e) The teams will begin the game at the end opposite to their own bench and will alternate ends at the conclusion of the period.
Rule 10. Penalty Bench
(a) Each rink shall have seats or a bench to accommodate eight persons to be known as the “Penalty Bench”. It is to be used for the seating of penalized players, the Penalty Timekeeper, the Game Timekeeper and the Official Scorer. The penalty bench should be located a substantial distance from the players’ bench.
Note: The penalty box shall be located on the opposite side of the rink from the players’ bench, or if this is not possible, at least 6.09 m (20 ft.) from either bench.
(b) The gates of the penalty box should be constructed to open away from the floor surface, and outside the area known as the Referee’s crease. In each rink in which inter-branch play-offs are to be played, there shall be two separate penalty boxes, each having its own gate and designated respectively as “Home” and “Visitor”. Adequate arrangements shall be made to physically separate members of the opposing teams. Where the penalty gates are located at unequal distances from centre floor, the gate closest to the centre floor shall be designated for the Visiting Team.
Rule 11. Referee’s Crease
A red line, 5.08 cm (2 in.) wide, in the shape of a semicircle and with a 3.05 m (10 ft.) radius shall be marked on the floor immediately in front of the Penalty Timekeeper’s seat. The area enclosed by this line shall be known as the Referee’s crease.
Rule 12. Signal and Timing Devices
(a) Each rink must have a suitable sound system to be used by the Game Timekeeper.
(b) Each rink must have a clock in order that spectators, players and game officials may be accurately informed as to the time remaining in the game.
Note: Where clocks with four faces are in use, the face directly in front of the Game Timekeeper shall govern the time.
(c) In a suitable location behind each goal, a red light shall be provided for the use of each Goal Judge in signalling the scoring of a goal. Wherever possible, the Canadian Ball Hockey Association recommends that an electric buzzer or bell and a green light be installed in the same location as the red light and that this buzzer or bell and green light be synchronized with the time clock, to provide the Referee with an audible and visual signal for the end of a playing period or game.
Note: A goal cannot be scored when the green light is showing.
Rule 13. Dressing Rooms
(a) Each rink shall provide a suitable dressing room equipped with a sanitary toilet and shower for the use of the Visiting Team.
(b) A separate dressing room shall be provided for the use of Referees. It shall be equipped with a sanitary toilet and shower.
(c) No team official, player or employee of any club may enter into any inappropriate discussion with any Referee during or after a game. No person, except the President of the branch or league or their representative, shall be allowed to enter the Official’s dressing room. For any infraction of this rule, the matter shall be reported by the Referee to the President of the branch for further action.
Rule 14. Rink Lighting
All rinks shall be lighted so that the players and spectators may clearly follow play.