playing rules – throwing stick or object

Rule 82. Throwing Stick or Object
(a) Where any player of the defending team, including the goaltender, deliberately throws his stick or any part thereof or any other object at the ball or ball carrier in the defending zone, the Referee shall allow the play to be completed and, if a goal is NOT scored, a Penalty Shot shall be awarded to the attacking team. If a goal is scored, the Penalty Shot shall not be awarded.
(b) A Minor penalty shall be assessed any player who deliberately throws his stick or any part thereof or any other object at the ball or ball carrier in any zone, except when such act has been penalized by the awarding of a Penalty Shot or a Goal.
(c) “A Minor penalty for Throwing a Stick / Object (as applicable) shall be assessed any player who deliberately throws his stick or any part thereof, or any other object in any zone, but not at the ball or ball carrier.
(d) A Misconduct penalty shall be assessed any player who deliberately throws a stick or any part thereof or any object, outside the playing area.