playing rules – delay of game

Rule 55. Delay of Game

(a) A Bench Minor penalty shall be assessed a team which, in the opinion of the Referee, is deliberately delaying the game in any manner. A Minor penalty shall be assessed to any goaltender who shoots or bats the ball out of the playing surface with her stick.

Note 1: When the goaltender shoots the ball directly out of the playing surface where there is no glass, such as at the players’ bench or penalty bench, or if the ball touches the glass or deflects off a player or official, no penalty shall be assessed.
Note 2: This penalty will also be assessed to any player or goaltender who shoots the ball out of the playing surface with her stick during a stoppage of play. Note 3: Referees must be strict in enforcing the rules where a team is deliberately stalling, freezing the ball, shooting the ball out of the playing surface, the goaltender holding the ball or throwing it out of the playing surface, or the team committing a “SERIES of FLOORING”, thereby forcing a face-off.

(b) Any player who leaves her players’ bench to deliver instructions to her teammates and does not remain on the floor as a substitute, will be assessed a Minor penalty.

(c) Any deliberate action by a defending player, including the goaltender, in their defending zone which results in the goal net being knocked from its position, shall constitute an act of deliberate delay of game. If this action occurs in the last two minutes of regular playing time, or any time in overtime, a Penalty Shot shall be awarded against the offending team and the Minor penalty shall not be served.

(d) A Penalty Shot shall be awarded should the goaltender, by deliberate action, dislodge the goal net from its position when a player is on a breakaway in the neutral zone or attacking zone.

(e) If in the last two minutes of regular playing time, or anytime in overtime, a team is penalized for any of the following infractions, a Penalty Shot shall be awarded against the offending team: Deliberate Illegal Substitution – Rule 19 (f), Protective Equipment – Rule 24 (c), Deliberately Knocking the Goal Net from its Position – Rule 55 (c), Refusing to Start Play – Rule 78 (e).

Note: In overtime, a Penalty Shot shall be assessed under this rule, except in the case of Rule 78 (a) – Refusing to Start Play, in which case a Penalty Shot and a Major Penalty shall be assessed.

(f) A Bench Minor penalty shall be imposed upon any team which, after a warning by the Referee, fails to place the correct number of players on the floor and commence play. 








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