penalties – misconduct

Rule 31. Misconduct Penalties

(a) A player, except a goaltender, incurring a Misconduct penalty, shall be ruled off the floor for a period of ten minutes actual playing time. A substitute for the penalized player shall be permitted immediately. A player serving a Misconduct penalty shall remain on the penalty bench until the first stoppage of play following the expiry of her penalty. When a player is assessed a Minor and a Misconduct penalty or a Major and a Misconduct penalty at the same time, the penalized team shall immediately place a substitute player on the bench to serve the Minor or Major penalty. The Misconduct penalty will commence on the termination of the Minor or Major penalty.


(b) The Referee in charge shall report to the President any player who is assessed a game Misconduct penalty within ten minutes of the conclusion of the game.


(c) Any player who is assessed a second Misconduct penalty in the same game shall automatically be assessed a Game Misconduct  penalty. Any player, goaltender or Team Official incurring a Major penalty and a Game Misconduct penalty, shall be ordered to the dressing room for the remainder of the game, and shall be reported to the President for further action. The Manager or Coach of the penalized team, through the playing Captain, shall designate any player of her team on the floor at the time of the infraction to serve the penalty.








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