penalties – match

Rule 34. Match Penalties

(a) Any player or team official incurring a Match penalty shall be ordered to the dressing room immediately, for the balance of the game, and will not be permitted to take part in any further games until his case has been dealt with by the President.


(b) In every instance where a Match penalty has been assessed, the offending player’s team shall be required to send a player to the penalty box for five minutes. The player who serves the five minutes must have been on the floor at the time of the infraction. Where an offending player has been assessed penalties in addition to the Match penalty, those penalties will be served by the same player who serves the five minute penalty. This section would not apply in the case of the coincident Major or Match penalty rule.

Note: Referees are required to report all Match penalties and the surrounding circumstances to the President immediately following the game involved. THIS IS IMPORTANT.








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