penalties – gross misconduct

Rule 33. Gross Misconduct Penalties

(a) Any player or team official incurring a Gross Misconduct penalty shall be ordered to the dressing room for the remainder of the game and shall be reported to the President for further action. A substitute for the penalized player shall be permitted immediately.


(b) Gross Misconduct penalties shall be assessed where a person conducts herself in such a manner as to make a travesty of the game.


(c) Any player or team official who is assessed a Gross Misconduct penalty in regular time, or any time in overtime, or at the conclusion of the game and prior to the player or team official entering his dressing room, shall automatically be suspended for a minimum of the next two regular league/play-off game. A total of ten minutes shall be charged in the records against the penalized player for a Gross Misconduct.








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