penalties – game ejection/game misconduct
Rule 32. Game Ejection/Game Misconduct Penalties
(a) A player incurring a Game Ejection penalty in accordance with Rule 27(e) – Penalties, shall be ordered to the dressing room for the remainder of the game.
(b) A player or team official incurring a Game Misconduct penalty shall be ordered to the dressing room for the remainder of the game and shall be reported to the President for further action. A substitute for the penalized player shall be permitted immediately.
(c) Any player or team official who is assessed a Game Misconduct penalty in regular time, or any time in overtime, or at the conclusion of the game and prior to the player or team official entering his/her dressing room, shall automatically be suspended for a minimum of the next regular league/play-off game. A total of ten minutes shall be charged in the records against the penalized player for a Game Misconduct.